Detailed Description
Volume 9, issue 2: Table of Contents
Volume 9, issue 2, article 1: America's Leadership is Still Wanting by Gary Chilson
Volume 9, issue 2, article 2: Protecting Wilderness - Interpreting "Man-Made" by Barbara McMartin
Volume 9, issue 2, article 3: Adirondack Park Trends Analysis by Ray P. Curran
Volume 9, issue 2, article 4: Rescuing the Heart of the Maine Woods by St. Pierre, Jym
Volume 9, issue 2, article 5: The Student Conservation Association's New York Adirondack Program: Changing Lives through Service to Nature by Jill Baum
Volume 9, issue 2, article 6: The Adirondack Nature Conservancy and Adirondack Land Trust: Partners in Land Protection by Connie S. Prickett
Volume 9, issue 2, article 7: Notes on the Concept of "Sustainable Subterfuge" by Christopher C. Robinson
Volume 9, issue 2, article 8: Occupational Choice among Loggers in Maine's Northern Forest and Southern Countries by Deryth Taggart
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