watercolor on paper depicting the building at 1 North Church St. in Schenectady, NY. This building originally housed the Mohawk Bank beginning in 1814, followed by the Union Classical Institute (1872-1904), then the Mohawk Club, followed by the Stockade Inn beginning in 2003.
cylindrical shaped trunk covered with animal hide (cow or goat hair?) with the hair side facing out; nailhead accents adorn the top-facing edge and form the initials "H. V." as well as encircle the initials; additional nailhead designs of scrolls are on the front-facing side and along the strapping/edging of the trunk; metal handles on the end and lock; paper lining
Library Posters: 1. Go Places With Books/ Book Week 1968; 2. Hurray for Books; 3. Explore with Books; 4. Take off with books/ 1967; 5. Go exploring in books 6. explore with books
Composition looks like an abstracted flower. The print's left and right side are starkly different. The right side of the image is more congested with smaller vine like petals that are moss green, and a big lime green bulb that seems to be the center of the organic plant/flower. The left side is more empty, but full of longer extensions of the green vines/petals, undulating from the bulb on the right. Printed on off-white, deckled edge paper.
This is a full bleed print; there is a lot of empty white space, specifically concentrated in the middle; towards the edges are colorful abstract objects in gray, black, bright green or sandy tan and all are solidly colored; some objects extend off the edge of the paper; in the LL quadrant there is a black arrow pointing toward the right below a green oval-like circle. Objects appear to be glittery/shimmery because of the pigment or ink used.
Background is entirely a cloudy, light blue daytime sky; the sun is illuminating some center clouds; at the center of the image there is a floating easel stand; throughout the entire piece there is translucent blueish cursive writing sprawling from edge to edge
wood with tooled leather exterior; metal strapping on edges of case held on with brass rivets; leather handles and straps; paper lined; two interior compartments;