falf-length, full face portrait of Native American icon, Sitting Bull, on a white background; his face is a pale blue hue, shirt is red; pink and yellow feather protrudes from the top of his head; his hair is braided and falls in two plaits on either side of his face; he holds a staff with two sections of yellow tassels
baseball card-style composition, with half-length portrait of the subject in "at bat" position; wearing a Cincinnati Reds uniform against a bright blue background, batting glove on left hand, poised with wooden bat raised; "REDS" and "PETE ROSE" text and the team logo occupy the lower portion of the print
diagonally angled semi truck in bright pastels and jewel tones on a mostly white background; cab is red and light blue, cargo area is mint green, wheels and axles are purple and black; "Andy Warhol" signature is in yellow triangular swath at LR corner of composition
print of the Brooklyn Bridge in bright, jewel tones on a red background; upper image of bridge in royal blue on pale yellow swath is duplicated and flipped horizontally below in a bright magenta on turquoise swath
vibrant head and shoulder, full face portrait of an African woman with a bright blue headpiece with yellow protrusions, lavender necklace, bright blue patterned wrap dress and a large, bright green square of color covers her left shoulder; pale blue background; large "!-like" shape on left side of composition
statuesque head in profile of Alexander the Great in bright yellow hues, with gray and black shading and red line detail; printed on a bright, red saturated background; triangle-shaped splotch of yellow in UL corner
black and white vertical photograph of a chandelier with five large white spheres and small metal flowers near the shaft, suspended in front of a dark colored railing; the upper portion of the image has a solid white background
black and white vertical photograph of a WWII stone arch monument with the date "1945" above the arch, encircled by a laurel wreath with a star; on the left of the wreath are Cyrillic letters and on the right of the wreath are German letters; left of the arch is carved "1942-1945"
black and white horizontal photograph of an airport split-flap display departure board with Chinese lettering next to the word "DEPARTURES" at the top of the image
black and white horizontal photograph of a room with a wreath hanging in front of a large rectangular window with seven glass panels above; inside the room to the right, two candle lights illuminate wood paneled walls; on the outside of the window is a tree covered in lights
black and white photograph of two horizontal towel bars on brick herringbone patterned wall paper; the image is cropped to bisect the bars leaving the bar ends facing each other and the bars pointing to sides of the image
black and white horizontal photograph -- high angle view of rooftop parking lot, two city streets, buildings and cars; the "Milner" building is on the left and the "Knopf" sign is at bottom right; there appears to be sun glare or fog covering most of the top half of the image
black and white horizontal photograph of a woman walking on a city street; the back of the woman wearing a dress and carrying a pocketbook from the torso up fills the right side of the frame; the left side of the frame has the back of the another pedestrian in a striped shirt and hat, the open street, and the left portion of a building in the background; the head and shoulder of a man wearing a cap looks toward the viewer at the far right
black and white vertical photograph of the torsos of two men in suits and ties standing next to each other before a sheet cake decorated with the illustrations of two men in suits and ties standing next to each other; the man on the left has his right hand on the table next to the cake and the lower portion of the face of the man on the right is visible at top right
black and white horizontal photograph of a tree-lined city street with approaching vehicles; a light colored Chevy taxicab with white sidewall tires is in the center of the traffic; behind the cab, there is a Rolls Royce, a large truck, cars and high-rise buildings
black and white vertical photograph of a city street with tall buildings on either side and a wide sidewalk at lower center; the back of a man in suit jacket and woman in a hat are in the lower right foreground; a shaft of light covers the sidewalk in the mid ground and further down the sidewalk, people walking below building awnings
black and white vertical photograph of a city street with tall buildings on either side and a wide sidewalk at lower center; the back of a woman in a skirt carrying a bag is in the lower right foreground; a group of people are at the end of the sidewalk in the mid ground; two American flags hang from poles above the sidewalk and the Pan Am building is in the background
black and white photograph of two women modeling coats; the head and shoes are not visible on the model closest to the viewer; the model in the background is walking away from the viewer and is wearing a plaid skirt, a hip length coat, a brimmed hat and pumps; the room has white walls with a geometric shape on the wall on the right
black and white photograph of tall light-colored brick apartment building with many windows; the vertical composition places the corner of the building nearly in the center of the frame; there is treelike vegetation on the upper most level at the top left side of the building; there is a darker colored building at the extreme left side of the image
black and white horizontal photograph of an outdoor landscape; there is a leafless tree on the right leaning toward the center of the image; clouds, trees, bushes, grasses and bare ground are in the background, as well as a telephone pole at upper right
black and white photograph of a woman sitting between Charles Cowles on her right and James Rosenquist on her left, at a table in a dining room with other diners; the woman is wearing a light-colored top and has her right elbow on the table; Cowles is sitting perpendicular to the viewer and Rosenquist is wearing a light-colored striped jacket; they are all looking to the right of the viewer
black and white photograph of a woman, Jerry Hall, with long wavy blond hair, sitting at a large curved dining table with Sabrina Guinness and two young men seated to her right; Sabrina is turned toward the young man on her right who appears to be talking, and the man to his right is wearing a bow tie and is looking toward the man opposite Jerry, for whom only the back of his head is visible to the viewer
black and white photograph of a man and woman sitting in lawn chairs on grass; the man, Thomas Ammann, wearing only shorts is on the left and the woman, Averil Haydock, wearing her hair in a ponytail is on the right and props her left foot on the cushion of her chair; two other sets of legs on chaise cushions are visible at far right
black and white photograph of two men in suits sitting next to each other; the man on the right, Earl McGrath has dark hair and mustache, and is wearing a herringbone jacket, dark tie and round glasses, is looking up to the right of the viewer; the man on his left is wearing a tie with musical notation on it and is looking to the left of the viewer and is smiling; a man with his right arm raised up standing behind them
black and white photograph of a dark-haired man and a blond woman in profile, from the torso up, wearing dressy clothes; the man on the left, Peter Allen, is wearing white tie and has his left arm around the shoulders of the woman on his left, Ginger Rogers, who is dressed in a shiny long-sleeved blouse with a ruffled collar; other dimly lit, event attendees can be seen in the background